We have spaces for two full size cars directly in front of the cabin. If you are having guests and there are more than two cars the overflow parking is at the bottom of the hill on the street. Guests will have to walk up Treasure Island Drive. Do not park in front of other houses on the hill - particularly the big house to the left (as you face The Cabin). My parents built and retired in that house and we made the mistake of selling it to people who are just pain bad neighbors.
Two garbage cans are on the side deck of the cabin: one for garbage and one for recycling. Please leave your garbage there when you go. We will take care of it.
The best grocery store for just about everything you need including beer-wine-liquor (24/7, 7 days a week for you out of staters) is the Safeway in Aptos at
16 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos, CA 95003
The Safeway is right at the State Park Drive exit off Highway 17. According to Mapquest it is .9 miles from The Cabin and should take you three minutes to get there. Parking can be a bit crowded at time but it is Northern California - parking is frequently an issue (hello SF).